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Multicultural Strategies

MULTICULTURAL STRATEGIES Diversity, Equity & inclusion

The rapidly growing Hispanic and multicultural American population now spends more than 1.5 trillion dollars a year. As the demographics of our country continue to change, businesses and organizations must adapt. With our diverse experience, we are perfectly positioned to help organizations successfully reach and interact with this massive consumer base.

Customer outreach

The Hispanic and multicultural consumer has increasing power in the marketplace, especially Florida. We can help your business or organization interact with this group in clearly understood and professional, culturally appropriate ways. The Hispanic audience is not monolithic- Hispanics of different national origins must be addressed in different ways- and we understand these subtle nuances, and can help navigate through this often misunderstood area.

Internal Diversification

Your business should reflect the natural diversity of your consumer base. This will strengthen ties to your local community and grow your business. We can connect your business to qualified potential board members, partners and employees.


A multicultural management team can be a great asset, connecting with consumers at all levels of your business and organization can ensure longterm success. Finding the right management team or empowering your existing team with multicultural tactics is a speciality.

Targeted Communications

Marketing efforts should be tailored to reflect the specific demographics of your target and community. We can help concept and execute precise campaigns that will resonate with your customers; we will recommend the best avenues to contact them- on time, and on budget.